
Back to Incremental Ordinals

I’ve compiled a list of changelogs for Incremental Ordinals. I hope you enjoy!

v0 – The Ordinal Update

First version, increment and maximize buttons implemented

v0.1 – The Infinity Update

  • Addition: Infinity added
  • Addition: Ordinal Points added
  • Addition: Autoclickers added
  • Addition: Click cooldown added
  • Addition: Game saves added
  • Addition: Options tab added

v0.1.1 – The Factor Update

  • Addition: Added Factor Shifts
  • Addition: Added Factors
  • Addition: Added Bases

v0.1.2 – The Dynamic Update

  • Addition: Added Dynamic Factor
  • Addition: Added Quintupler

v0.2 – The Booster Update (“Oops, wrong build”)

  • Addition: Added Factor Boosts
  • Addition: Added Booster Upgrades
  • Addition: Added Autobuyers
  • Addition: Added Achievements
  • Addition: Added Ordinal Levels
  • Addition: Added Color
  • Addition: Added Music
  • Addition: Added Hotkeys
  • Addition: Added in-game notifications
  • Addition: Added ability to import and export your game save
  • Addition: Added Main Menu
  • Addition: Added How to Play page
  • Addition: Added Changelog
  • Styling Update: Major game restyling
  • Bugfix: A bunch of bug fixes

v0.2.1 – The Challenge Update (“yay i have to wait 2 weeks”)

  • Addition: Added 2 challenges, each can be played multiple times
  • Addition: Added 4 more booster upgrades
  • Addition: Extended ordMarks list, capacity is now ψ(ΩΩ22)
  • Bugfix: Several more bug fixes

v0.2.2 – The Incrementy Update (“this is boring”)

  • Addition: Added Incrementy
  • Addition: Added 2 more challenges
  • Addition: Added 4 more booster upgrades
  • Addition: Extended ordMarks list, capacity is now BHO
  • Bugfix: Several more bug fixes

v0.2.3 – The Manifold Update (“Slightly less boring”)

  • Addition: Added Manifolds, which multiply dynamic
  • Addition: Added 2 more challenges
  • Addition: Added 4 more booster upgrades

v0.2.4 – The Decrementy Update (“i gotta farm clicks yaay”)

  • Addition: Added Decrementy
  • Addition: Added 2 more challenges
  • Bugfix: Several bug fixes

v0.3 – The Collapse Update (“I thought this was Incremental Ordinals?”)

  • Addition: Added Collapsing
  • Addition: Added Cardinals
  • Addition: Added Aleph Power
  • Addition: Added Sluggish Milestones
  • Addition: Added Aleph Upgrades
  • Addition: You can now do multiple Factor Boosts at once
  • Addition: Added a progress bar
  • Addition: Added ability to disable confirmations
  • Addition: Added ability to disable offline progression
  • Addition: Added Themes
  • Addition: Added ability to change max ordinal length
  • Addition: Added a bunch of new soundtracks
  • Addition: Added ablility to import and export your game save via file
  • Addition: Added wiki
  • Addition: Added Discord server
  • Removal: Removed click cooldown
  • Removal: Removed the “Infinity” achieve row
  • Balancing Fix: Max All now prioritizes factors first
  • Balancing Fix: Tier 2 automation is twice as fast
  • Balancing Fix: Incrementy multipliers and manifold requirements are multiplied by 1.2
  • Balancing Fix: Changed color algorithm
  • Balancing Fix: Frames are now much smoother
  • Balancing Fix: Shortened the Achievements tab to “Achieve”
  • Balancing Fix: Rewritten game in ExpantaNum
  • Balancing Fix: Major internal game changes
  • Styling Update: Optimized game for mobile screens
  • Styling Update: Major game restyling
  • Bugfix: A bunch of bug fixes

v0.3.1 – The Dark Update (“Dankest update yet”)

  • Addition: Added Dark Upgrades
  • Addition: Added Dark Manifolds
  • Addition: Added 3 more Sluggish Milestones
  • Addition: Added 4 more Aleph Upgrades
  • Addition: Added ordinal cap in Challenge 8
  • Removal: Removed Cardinal Refunding
  • Removal: Removed ℵω Refunding
  • Removal: Removed Aleph Upgrade Refunding
  • Balancing Fix: Nerfed Cardinal gain
  • Balancing Fix: The first Sluggish Milestone is now capped to your current OP
  • Balancing Fix: The right row of Aleph Upgrades now consumes ℵω
  • Styling Update: Some more game restyling
  • Bugfix: Several more bug fixes

v0.3.2 – The Singularity Update (“yay a circle”)

  • Addition: Added the Singularity
  • Addition: Added post-BHO ordinals
  • Addition: Added 4 more Booster Upgrades
  • Addition: Added 2 more Aleph Upgrades
  • Addition: Added Last Updated date
  • Styling Update: Some more game restyling
  • Bugfix: Several more bug fixes

v0.3.3 – The Singularity Function Update (“procrastination 100”)

  • Addition: Added Singularity Functions
  • Addition: Added links to main menu
  • Addition: Added tab persistence
  • Styling Update: Some more game restyling
  • Bugfix: Several more bug fixes

v0.3.4 – The Baseless Update (“Back to basics”)

  • Addition: Added Baseless Milestones
  • Addition: Added 3 more rows of Singularity Functions
  • Addition: Extended ordMarks list, capacity is now ψ(Ω2)
  • Addition: Added a Singularity Function canvas
  • Bugfix: You can’t get Singularity levels

v0.3.5 – The Omega Challenge Update (“adesdae is rushed”)

  • Addition: Added Omega Challenges
  • Addition: Added 2 more Baseless Milestones
  • Addition: Added Challenge 9
  • Addition: Filled out the rest of the Achievement Table
  • Addition: Added ability to disable hotkeys
  • Addition: Extended ordMarks list, capacity is now ψ(Ω2ω)
  • Bugfix: Several bug fixes

v1 – The Update (“finally something original”)

  • Addition: Added the Incrementyverse
  • Addition: Added 7 more rows of Singularity Functions
  • Addition: Added backup saves
  • Addition: Added subreddit
  • Removal: Removed the Space theme
  • Internal Change: Rewritten game in jQuery
  • Internal Change: External links now open in a new tab
  • Bugfix: A bunch of bug fixes